Raw Vodka 1L

Raw Vodka 1L

A’bunadh Scotch Whisky Cask strength 700ml

A’bunadh Scotch Whisky Cask strength 700ml

The Macallan Terra 700Ml 43.8%

Location: Blaine Exit 275 (SR 543)

***Online orders must be placed 2 hours prior to pickup. All online orders must be picked up between 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM.***

Availability: In stock
The Macallan Terra tells the story of discovery through a complex, yet balanced single malt, aged exclusively in the very best first-fill sherry-seasoned oak casks, whose journey spans 10,000 miles. Terra celebrates the wonders of spirit maturation, creating a whisky with a distinctive character of toffee, sweet dried fruit and rich wood spices.